FLARECAST at Science Festivals and Events
In all partner countries, FLARECAST scientists participated in a variety of public events offering many opportunities for the large public to discuss topics related to the study of the Sun, space weather and our specialization: solar flare forecasting.
Images and videos of the sun
2017 June 1st
Photobastei Zürich, Switzerland
Public workshop with Helioviewer.org
Godfather of Science
Spring 2017
La Celle Saint-Cloud, France
Etienne Pariat and Chloé Guennou are ‘godparents’ for high school classes introducing them to solar physics.
Science Café
2016 November 11
Duebendorf, Switzerland
Guests discuss the sun and space weather
EU Researchers Night
2016 September 30
Dublin, Ireland
Space weather outreach and solar image projections
UniverCity Festival of the University of Genova
2016 June 18-19
Genova, Italy
Science on a Table and live Sun
Transit of Mercury 2016
2016 May 9
ParisSud, France
Public observation with many telescopes
Astro Science Challenge
2015 December
United Kingdom
Interactive astro science challenge for children, space weather by MET Office

Time to give out some special awards
150 Years SCNAT 2015
2015 August 29
Aarau, Switzerland
Live space weather forecast and other activities
International Year of Light 2015
2015, every Thursday noon in July and August
Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
Public observation of the Sun and diverse activities
Athens Researchers’ Night
2017 Sep 29
Cultural Centre Hellenic Cosmos, Greece, Outreach table in a science fair-like setting
Science and Art
2017 June 15 – July 15
Winterthur, Switzerland
Exhibition in cooperation with artist Brigitt Lademann
Athens Science Festival
2017 March 31
Athens, Greece
Interactive talk
2016 September 30
Duebendorf, Switzerland
Activities for very young kids at Raumschiff
Transit of Mercury 2016
2016 May 9
Paris Meudon, France
Public observation with many telescopes

Public viewing in Meudon. Credit: Brigitte Schmieder@Observatoire de Paris
Swiss Space Days
2015 October 3
Zurich, Switzerland
Science on a Table and diverse activities
ETH Science City
2015 March 29
Zurich, Switzerland
Science on a Table and other exhibits
Solar eclipse 2015
2015 March 20
Dublin, Ireland
Public observation, ground and air based live transmission

Image: Irish Air Corps
Solar eclipse 2015
2015 March 20
Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
Public observation and diverse activities

Image: Yadwiga Gabris
Solar eclipse 2015
2015 March 20
Paris-Meudon, France
Public observation and diverse activities
LERU Summerschool
2017 July 14
Dübendorf, Switzerland
Citizen science excursion for doctoral students, presentation of FLARECAST outreach materials
Ventimila Laboratori sopra il Mare
2017 March 18
Genova, Italy
Family activities in a library with Science on a Table – The Sun
Winter Solstice
2016 December 21
Duebendorf, Switzerland
Mulled wine and near real-time sun in the cold
World Space Week
2016 October 6
Dublin, Ireland
Space weather workshops

Peter Gallagher from TCD showing some Irish space weather tools in the form of solarmonitor.org
Raumschiff Opening
2016 September 17
Duebendorf, Switzerland
Maker space for astronomy
Transit of Mercury 2016
2016 May 9
Dublin, Ireland
Public observation and live transmission

Excited solar physicists. Credit: Trinity Astrophysics Group
Transit of Mercury 2016
2016 May 9
Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
Public observation
Solar eclipse 2015
2015 March 20
Paris-Sud, France
Public observation, talks and diverse activities

Image: Hervé Dole
FLARECAST Public Lectures
FLARECAST scientists have reached diverse target groups such as high school students, lay astronomers, foreign visitors and business associations. Some lectures included demonstrations of solar phenomena and interactively involved the audience.
International Efforts in Predicting Solar Activity
Speaker: Dr. Manolis Georgoulis
Event: 5th Chios Astronomy Festival
Place: Athens, Greece
Date: August 17, 2017
Chancen und Risiken des Datensammelns
Speaker: Dr. André Csillaghy
Event: Visit of Fujitsu Schweiz
Place: Windisch, Switzerland
Date: June 13, 2017
Speakers: the FHNW FLARECAST-team
Event: Transfer Transparent
Place: FHNW Windisch, Switzerland
Date: April 4, 2017
Event Website
Solar flares: The great challenge!
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kontogiannis
Event: Athens Science Festival
Place: Athens, Greece
Date: March 31, 2017
Website Athens Science Festival
The FLARECAST Project (in Greek)
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kontogiannis
Event: Invited talk at a high school
Place: Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens, Greece
Date: February 10, 2017
Website Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Sun, a Little Giant in our Neighborhood (in Greek)
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kontogiannis
Event: Talk for a school visiting the science centre
Place: Aikaterini Laskarides Foundation, Athens, Greece
Date: November 30, 2016
Website Eugenides Foundation
La couronne solaire : du calme à la tempête
Speaker: Dr. Éric Buchlin
Event: ALCOR (Astronomie et Lumières du Campus d’Orsay)
Place: Orsay, France
Date: November 23, 2016
ALCOR Website
Event: Collège Juliette Adam
Place: Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Date: May 27, 2016
Collège Website
Speaker: Dr. Etienne Pariat
Event: Les conférences mensuelles de la SAF
Place: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France
Date: June 8, 2016
SAF Website
Living with the Sun, an unpredictable giant.
Forecasting flares in the 21st century (in Greek).
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kontogiannis
Event: Researcher’s lectures for the public
Place: Interactive Exhibition of Science and Technology, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece
Date: January 4, 2016
Website Eugenides Foundation Movie
Big Data in Science
Speaker: Dr. André Csillaghy
Event: Presentation to Taiwanese delegation
Place: University of Applied Sciences FHNW, Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
Date: October 1, 2015
Solar Radiation: the Light that Saves and Threatens
Speaker: Dr. Manolis Georgoulis
Event: International Year of Light 2015
Place: Academy of Athens
Date: May 20, 2015
IYL2015 Greek website
Big Data ist hier um zu bleiben
Speaker: Dr. André Csillaghy
Event: Presentation to the Argovia Business Association
Place: Aarau, Switzerland
Date: November 12, 2015
FLARECAST Workshops for Children
During the first year of the project, educational materials related to the Sun, space weather and solar flare forecasting have been developed and tested addressing children from the age of 5 to 15. From the age of 7, children work with HMI data as used by the FLARECAST project. Starting from the age of 10, children are introduced to the SunSpotter.org citizen science project. All materials are available on this website for everyone to conduct their own workshops. They have also been used in other situations such as talks and science fairs and as give aways.
Children’s workshops 2017
April 20 Images and Movies with Helioviewer.org, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
April 20 The Sun – our Closest Star, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
Children’s workshops 2016
July 22 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, Raumschiff.org Zurich
July 22 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, Raumschiff.org Zurich
July 21 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, Raumschiff.org Zurich
July 21 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, Raumschiff.org Zurich
July 13 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 13 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 12 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 12 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
April 19 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
April 19 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
Children’s workshops 2015
December 12 Sonnenforschung im Klassenzimmer, 10-13 years, Schulhaus Vogtsrain Zürich
October 14 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 16 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 16 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 14 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
July 14 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
April 14 SunSpotter Citizen Science, 10-13 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
April 14 Explosions on the Sun, 7-9 years, FHNW Brugg-Windisch
March 29 4 x A solar storm today? 7-9 years, ETH Zurich
March 29 4 x Watch out – explosion! 5-6 years, ETH Zurich
In summer 2015, classrooms were visited throughout Ireland promoting the SunSpotter project for Irish kids.