by Hanna Sathiapal | May 17, 2017 | Public Engagement
Every EU project coordinator gets offers for paid open acces publishing from all kinds of journals – some of which more thrustworthy than others. In theory, paid publishing is one of the accepted, although contested, ways in which project information can be...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Nov 7, 2016 | Public Engagement
What we do has a political dimension, whether we like it or not. In Switzerland, we learnt this the hard way in 2014, when the Swiss voters decided on restricting immigration, a move which is incompatible with the Schengen treaty Switzerland is part of. One of the...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Jun 15, 2016 | Public Engagement
What is all the buzz about RRI? My first try at finding out took place a year ago at a science communication conference in Garching. The situation is the following: Since the beginning of this century, science communication went through several stages: Public...