by Frederic Baudin | Nov 21, 2017 | Public Engagement
At the occasion of the Science Feast which took place on October 15th at the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale IAS (Orsay, France), several dedicated installations brought to a large audience visions of the active Sun (seen in ultra-violet) displayed on large screens...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Jun 26, 2017 | Public Engagement
Using a smartphone for making videos is current practice not only among amateurs. As smartphone cameras have reached a considerably high quality, using them rather than some bulky equipment has become widespread practice by media professionals, including TV....
by Hanna Sathiapal | May 26, 2016 | Public Engagement
Sometimes, the situation is just right for engaging in outreach activities while, at other times, it is almost impossible to do so. After the transit of Mercury event I asked FLARECAST members how they had organized their activities. This post is meant to be a...